March 11, 2012


So what has been going on with me?  Long story short, I went skiing and tore my acl.  I will be having surgery on Friday to get it reconstructed.  I'm very happy to be getting it over with so soon.  It means I'm on the road to recovery and will be better than ever sooner rather than later.

Other than that there really hasn't been much else going on in my life... mainly because I haven't been very mobile.  The only other thing is I am now a member of the Baltimore Buzz Brigade.  I get to help out Baltimore tourism and show off the city I love to others.  I don't really know all that it entails but I'm really excited to see more of the city for this.


  1. I'm so glad you have such a positive attitude about your ACL. Wishing you a speedy recovery!! And that Balitmore tourism group sounds like a lot of fun! xoxo

  2. Good luck with your surgery!! I hope your recovery is quick and easy!
